Nüshu by Nüshu

The band launches into another kinetic banger; you feel your feet fly off the floor of their own will. A mass of bodies collide before the stage, all struggling to maintain some sense of rhythm while flailing frantically into each other. Wait, what the hell time signature is this song in again?

On Montreal-based mathy art punk band Nüshu’s new self-titled record, the connection between mind and body inspires a sound that remains cerebrally intensive, despite each song making perfect intuitive sense subconsciously. The band’s noisy, angular guitar tone pairs nicely with a melodic bass style inspired by post punk and darkwave sounds, all tied together by mathy drumming and punk rock scream-singing. Every second of this record puts a smile on your face, and each twist and turn of the band’s compositions unlock new levels of satisfaction as they spin their inventive rhythmic structures into immaculate grooves. A microscopic zoom on the performances reveal nearly endless layers of impressive musicianship, sharp decision-making, and strong production chops, making Nüshu an expertly crafted record that never lets its lofty goals interfere with its determination to enjoy itself.


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