Inside Noise Week of 11/17

Jump into some of the most interesting popular musical releases of the week with us!

Hearth Room by Frost Children

Hearth Room by Frost Children

Frost Children returns with their second album of the year Hearth Room, a softer analog companion to April’s SPEED RUN. With energy and finesse, Angel and Lulu take their own unique approach to mid aughts tweemo with songs that start out as tender acoustic confessions and bloom in intensity and emotionality. The pacing is engaging, each element chiming in at just the right time with their signature flair for electronics. Frost Children proves they clearly know how to construct songs outside of a hyper/glitch context, making this release even more compelling. Despite its nostalgic approach, Frost Children grows their artistry and finds ways to expand their sound in Hearth Room.

New Blue Sun by Andre 3000

New Blue Sun by Andre 3000

André 3000 is a musical genius who needs no introduction. And on yesterday’s release of his debut solo album, New Blue Sun, he proves once again that he contains multitudes. This experimental release features André’s flute performances accompanied by mycelial electronics, bells, chimes, cymbals, gongs, and more. The result is psychedelic and introspective, beautifully arranged with lush production to create a sense of meditative euphoria. While this flute-centric album may not be what some expected to hear from the Outkast alumn, it’s not totally out of left-field either. It certainly lends some context to André’s public flute walking meditations. What really matters is that New Blue Sun is a deeply authentic release, each improvised track giving listeners an intimate peek into this artist’s creative process in real time. Although we may not have the authority to grant this sainthood, we predict that New Blue Sun will soon be granted much-deserved canonization within the magical current of jazzy ambient afrofuturism.


Semele’s Tryst by Enchanted Forest


Elements by Toshimaru Nakamura and David Lee Myers