Elite Terrorism Modulus by Elite Terrorism Modulus

There are not many Power Electronics albums that I would recommend to those who don’t typically listen to extreme music. However, by infusing Free Jazz, spacey ambient moments, and even dropping the occasional catchy riff into the noise, Elite Terrorism Modulus has created a surprisingly fun and easy listen that subverts what we typically expect from the genre.

This record ferries listeners from this realm to somewhere much, much stranger. Between wailing saxophones, cut-up noise samples, there is a Burroughsian quality that lends an otherworldly atmosphere to this experimental album. Vocals bark through the noise, breaking up fuzzy instrumentals and rumbling basslines. With moments that border on twee, twinkly psychedelia, some may question if this record even “counts” as Power Electronics. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t–this album is dangerously close to immanentizing the eschaton of genre, and we’re here for it regardless.

- Kalen


Inside Noise 6/23 (Yeah, It’s Just Swans)


Rubbernecking in Vertigo by Elon Katz